Game Tech Academy comes to life!

Game Tech Academy came to life at the partners’ first in-person meeting in Aalborg in early spring 2024.


Shortly after the project’s official start at the beginning of this year, representatives from all partner organisations took to Aalborg in North Denmark to not just get to know each other in person but to also kick-off their collaboration in real-time.


Through several presentations and interactive workshops, the partners worked on shaping the direction of the project. Taking a starting point in the project’s initial outlines, aspirations were shared and action plans aligned amongst the partners.

The Partners outside the City Hall in Aalborg

Today’s students are tomorrows innovators

One of the main objectives of the project is to enhance the way we educate students to use game technology for innovative solutions. On this matter, Game Tech Academy’s lead actors worked on mapping potentials and unfilled gaps at the participating educational institutions.

Aalborg University, Dania Academy, the University of Skövde, and Malmö University will all be working on making it more attractive for students to explore game technology’s potentials beyond the entertainment industry. One of the focus areas will be courses and activities discussing Serious Games – meaning games that are designed to be both entertaining and educational.

At the different educational institutions, the partnership will develop, plan and facilitate different types of courses and events like hackathons reaching out to tech and non-tech students.

GTA Brainstorm Session

Backed-up by research

To build a network of knowledge and expertise interconnected with the other activities in the project, Game Tech Academy involves academic research at Malmö University and the University in Skövde. The researchers’ work will revolve around finding and developing AI tools which can aid game development and/or enable the use of game technology in novel contexts.


The first research project will explore and discuss AI-aided automatization in game testing.

A border-crossing ecosystem for innovation

During the first in-person partnership meeting, the participants could furthermore explore how to develop a shared Scandinavian model for entrepreneurship and innovation in the game tech arena. Throughout the project’s lifetime, all partners will work on motivating start-ups, students, gaming companies and representatives from industries outside of the gaming world to think more broadly and develop business ideas that utilise game technology to their benefit.


Follow Game Tech Academy to keep up to date on best practices, case examples, guides and, our experiences with taking game tech out of games.


Want to join the quest? 

Game Tech Academy is realized by:

- BusinessAalborg, Aalborg Municipality - AAU Innovation, Aalborg University - Dania Academy - University of Skövde - Faculty of Technology & Society, Malmö University - Science Park Skövde AB