Game Tech Academy helps you explore the potential of game technology

A partnership between

BusinessAalborg, Aalborg Municipality
AAU Innovation, Aalborg University
Dania Academy
University of Skövde
Faculty of Technology & Society, Malmö University
Science Park Skövde AB

About Game Tech Academy


Game Tech Academy introduces game technology in new settings.


We help educators, students, entrepreneurs, businesses, and business coaches expand their skill sets by applying game technology to their work.

We wish to expand the boundaries of how game technology is perceived and applied by tech experts, industry newcomers and “outsiders” exploring what is possible beyond their comfort zone.


We are ready to repurpose game technology. Join us!


Game Tech Academy is brought to you through a strong partnership. Understand their part in and vision for Game Tech Academy.

What's new?

One of Japan’s biggest game developers visits GTA partners

A delegation from Cygames Research, Japan, paid GTA a week-long visit – hosted by  the University of Skövde.


The visitors got to experience the entire ecosystem around gaming in Skövde.


The visit included meetings and discussions with students, teachers, researchers, incubators, and local startup companies.


Game Tech Academy comes to life!

Game Tech Academy came to life at the partners’ first in-person meeting in Aalborg in early spring 2024.


Shortly after the project’s official start at the beginning of this year, representatives from all partner organisations took to Aalborg in North Denmark to not just get to know each other in person but to also kick-off their collaboration in real-time.

What else?

June 2024

Visit from Cygames research


Cygames is one of Japan’s largest gaming companies with over 5,000 employees, primarily well-known in the Asian markets. Their collaboration with the University of Skövde and Sweden Game Arena was initiated thanks to the EU Interreg project Game Hub Scandinavia and now continues as an important part of the Game Tech Academy project.