
BusinessAalborg, Aalborg Municipality

BusinessAalborg is the business department of Aalborg Municipality – working to create growth and employment in Aalborg and North Denmark. And to make it easy to start, operate, and develop a business.

BusinessAalborg contributes to Game Tech Academy with a strong background in administrating and participating in international projects. BusinessAalborg offers 1:1 business development services for game development companies and startups.


BusinessAalborg also facilitates networking events and workshops for game developers in Aalborg and will share knowledge about the project’s results in the city’s game tech ecosystem.


The project’s results are important for the organization, as the development of new industries, such as the game industry, is part of Aalborg’s Business Strategy for 2023-2026. 


By participating in the project, BusinessAalborg becomes more proficient in working with digital competencies and assisting companies that use or can utilize game technology – not only in the gaming industry – but across various sectors.
We will e.g., become become better at assisting entrepreneurs and businesses in incorporating AI models into their service design or product chain.

AAU Innovation, Aalborg University

AAU is Denmark’s third largest university with nearly 20.000 students and a profile characterized by delivering knowledge and education to, and in close cooperation with, society and the business community.

Within Game Tech Academy, AAU brings experience in educational development and collaboration with societal and industrial sectors. The involvement is centered around the department Student Entrepreneurship (SE) within AAU’s Innovation Department, focusing on combining skill development in game technology with entrepreneurial competencies and mindset.



SE aims to give all students at AAU a chance to develop entrepreneurial competencies. The department possesses specialist knowledge and experience in engaging students, companies, and educators in interdisciplinary, case-based forms of collaboration, where the development of new perspectives, solutions, and collaborations is the goal—an experience that will be used in the project to develop new value-creating meeting places for the project’s target groups.

Faculty of Technology & Society, Malmö University

Established in 1998, Malmö University is a contemporary and adaptable institution, distinguished by its youth. 


This modernity infuses the University with a spirit of global engagement, community participation, and an interdisciplinary, challenge-driven approach to education, research, and collaboration.

The Game Lab is part of the Department of Computer Science and Media Technology (DVMT) at Malmö University, doing game research and research-based education with a focus on Game AI and Computational Creativity. DVMT focuses on areas such as social media, mobile applications, digital games, strategic management systems, artificial intelligence, information architecture, and digital media. Among many other educational programs, DVMT offers a bachelor’s program in game development, as well as master’s and doctoral programs in computer science.


Our research expertise in the applications of artificial intelligence to support and enhance human creativity, as well as our experience working with popular frameworks for game development, enables us to contribute to identifying, designing, and implementing tool prototypes that address the objectives of the Game Tech Academy project (GTA).

Science Park Skövde AB​

Science Park Skövde serves as a hub, a community, and an innovative ecosystem with focus on digitalization, smart industry, and games. 



Science Park Skövde offers professional business coaching, a startup program, competence-enhancing activities, and market intelligence to support people who have an idea, a newly started or established company.

Science Park Skövde provides specialized expertise through business coaching for game and tech companies. As an early leader in supporting game startups in Sweden, Science Park Skövde has cultivated a network and knowledge base for game incubation that is recognized as world-leading. Developed over two decades, this innovation arena has been established through collaboration with the University of Skövde, the Municipality of Skövde, and the Region of Västra Götaland. This innovation arena is known as Sweden Game Arena.

Sweden Game Arena serves as an umbrella for Swedish game startups both nationally and internationally. In the realm of digitalization and smart industry, there is a close collaboration with the manufacturing industry in Skaraborg, where Science Park Skövde, along with partners such as Volvo, the University of Skövde, and IDC West Sweden, has created ASSAR Industrial Innovation Arena. An innovation hub where education, innovation and research supply the industry with new solutions.

The Game Tech Academy (GTA) project builds upon Science Park Skövde’s efforts to foster collaboration between game and tech companies. A recognized need for cross connections between the thematic areas addressed by their systems has emerged, aiming to discover new solutions for future challenges. This necessitates adaptations in coaching processes, networks, and meeting places to align with new realities.

University of Skövde

The University of Skövde is a modern and inviting university, renowned for its top-tier education and internationally acclaimed research, a place where ambition leads to exceptional achievements.


The University of Skövde conducts research and education in all aspects of game development. The university has about 40 teachers and researchers, and approximately 500 students in video game development, making us the largest educational hub in Sweden in this field.

In Game Tech Academy, the University of Skövde will contribute with research expertise in game technology, tool development, evaluation/testing, and method development.


An important factor for the University of Skövde’s engagement in the project is the opportunity for strengthening its position as a central node in Swedish game education and research.


Game Tech Academy also offers an opportunity for collaboration with industry colleagues in the region (including researchers, game educators at various levels, game incubators, and companies).


Through these connections, the University of Skövde will be able to foster closer relationships with both research colleagues and the recipients of its research, thereby creating a more unified and robust innovation system around video games within the program area. The project will enable the university to further contribute positively to digital innovation within the program area. 

Dania Academy

Dania Academy (EAD) offers 29 higher education programs and 17 academy and diploma programs, as well as more than 350 academy and diploma courses.


EAD offer contemporary, business-oriented full-time and part-time higher education programs for an internationally oriented market. The programs are characterized by high student involvement, and close collaboration with external partners on projects and applied research.

EAD’s role in the Game Tech Academy is to further develop higher education offerings in game technology at their Grenaa campus. 

This includes integrating findings from research activities into the curriculum and focusing on entrepreneurship and innovative solution development. EAD will also work on enhancing skills for collaboration with external stakeholders, with a significant impact on the quality and innovation of their educational programs.

EAD has solid experience in creating results in cross-Scandinavian collaborative relations and will contribute to GTA with a team of employees whose competencies range from the management and administration of international projects, development and execution of education within game-oriented software development at a higher education level.

Meet the talented people of Game Tech Academy